Sunday, May 24, 2015

Frog Dissection

Frogs are amphibians. This means that they are born in water, but are able to live near and away from water once they become adults. Most frogs are found in areas with warm temperatures. Frogs eat small invertebrates, but some frogs species can be omnivorous. Small frogs eat insects. In the water, frogs breathe through their skin which is a thin membranous tissue that allows gas exchange to occur. Frogs can also breathe through their nostrils using their lungs. Since frogs don't have diaphragms, they must use the bottom of their mouths to push air in and out of the lungs. At rest, frogs use a respiratory surface in their mouth to breathe. Large declines in frog populations have occurred in the past 50 years due to habitat destruction, chemical pollution, climate changes, and many other human activities.
Fun Facts
Frogs’ long legs allow them to leap more than 20 times their body length.
Vocal cords first developed in frogs. Males have vocal cords that fill up with air.

Incision Guide


External Anatomy 
External Nares allow air to enter.
Nictitating Membrane protects the eye.
The tympanum is the eardrum.

Vomerine and Maxillary teeth used to hold prey.
Internal nostrils used for respiration.
Eustachian Tubes provide pressure in the inner ear.
Tongue used to capture prey.
Gullet Opening is the beginning of the digestive tract.

Internal Anatomy
When we opened our frog, we didn't find eggs scattered throughout the internal cavity. However, our frog is a female because we were able to locate the oviducts which produce eggs in female frogs. In male frogs, this structure may be present but it has no vital function (vestigial structure). 

 Function of structures:
Fat Bodies- Like humans, adipose tissue insulates internal organs and protects them.
Heart- Pumps blood to the entire body.
Lungs- Used for respiration and gas exchange.
Peritoneum- Covers internal organs and holds them in place.
Oviducts- Produce eggs in females. Vestigial structure in males.
Liver- Secretes bile and helps digest food.
Stomach- Storage for food. Food digested.
Small Intestine- Most digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs here. Enzyme from the pancreas enter the duodenum.
Large Intestine- Absorbs most fluids. Prepares food for secretion.



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